Here are some shots of the sweet old Kodak camera case I'm fixing for her. I should have taken pictures of this before I started in on the repairs, but it's too late now.
Anyway, the strap on the one side broke. It had an old brass grommet holding it in place and my first thought was just to snap another one in there. However, after getting some tips from Tundra, I scrapped the notion of grommetting. The exterior was so cracked and brittle where the snap had been, putting a new one in there would have A) mangled things and B) busted again in a couple months.
Instead, I cut the strap an inch or so shorter and stitched it back on to itself.
As well, I'm stitching up a bunch of the trim where it's cracking away from the body. Tough going because there are so many layers of bag to get through and I'm worried about breaking some of the more fragile parts, but we're almost there and it looks pretty darn good so far.
Bonus - it's given me an itch/idea to start making wicked leather camera cases for photo nerds.

YESSSSSSSSS. LOOKS AWESOME. I'm so lucky to know such a talented lady as yourself!
Also, camera cases for camera nerds would be amazing!
Oh thank you!
I will bring this by the shop tomorrow, maybe with some new jewellery to swap out the stuff that's been there a while.
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