Below, please find the Sail the Seven Seas necklace. Hand-tooled and painted on a stering silver chain. Wear it as a reminder that you chart your own course.
Speaking of steering ships, I've taken a hard line with myself at work. Management hereby finds my wardrobe unacceptable.
The daily pyjama uniform has got to go.
I thought it would be pretty awesome to work from home and never have to get dressed - couldn't understand people who work from home, but wake up every day and treat the in-house office like a real one. Isn't that part of the golden glow of the home/work environment? Every day is casual day! You can hog the coffee! You can pick through the Timbits for your favourites and leave the old-fashioned glaze and plain to go stale! You can take dog-walking breaks whenever you wish!
And all of that is pretty great, but I'm starting to see how, no matter how much one actually accomplishes in a day, one can feel like a sloppy bum unless one takes care to at least pull on a pair of pants in the morning. I was starting to feel like more of a spazzy shut-in than I'm comfortable with and the sight of myself in the bathroom mirror was becoming unsettling.
So I've selected
outfits the last two days. I mean, they
are jeans and they
are the same pair I've been wearing since last week, but still - it seems like a step in the right direction.
If I keep this up, maybe I can beat Memphis for employee of the month in March.