I almost bought one from Laura at Prairie Peasant a few months ago, but stalled because I was feeling guilty about spending the money. It was covered with an old red and yellow Mary Meade cookbook cover and oh! How I coveted it. But I let it go.
A couple weeks ago, out of curiousity, I contacted Laura to find out if she still had the book kicking around. She didn't, but she did have an even more amazing text she said she'd be happy to craft a custom order from.
Yesterday I found, in my mailbox, a beautifully wrapped package from Winnipeg. Behold it below! Compare to what I was using before! Visit Prairie Peasant for all your handbound-from-reclaimed-and-vintage-texts-and-materials needs! If you don't see what you're after, ask Laura about a custom order. She may be able to rustle up exactly what you're looking for.
Also, please love the corner of the huge and awesome harvest table the book is sitting on. I have been wanting a harvest table for months and was worried it would be difficult/pricey to get anything close to what I was looking for. I was ecstatic when, after only a single afternoon of searching two places (Value Village and the Reuse Centre) I got a wild deal on an absolute dream, complete with mismatched wooden and antique chairs.
Now please excuse me while I go sit at said table and transfer cheesecake recipes from the old book to the new.
PS - I apologize for the Suzy Homemaker digression. I'm just so fired up about renovating/repainting/exposing the pine plank floors (there, that's manly) so the kitchen looks like a farmhouse instead of McDonald's.

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