Sunday, January 3, 2010


Tomorrow I begin preparing for Hillside Inside. I have a long list of stuff to make. My goal is to have (in addition to the considerable stock I already have) the following on hand:

- Feather cuffs (10)

- Solid leather cuffs (10)

- Necklaces (10)

- Wallets (5)

- Guitar Straps (3 tooled, 5-10 solid with hand-stitched, tooled images)

- Purses (3)

- Handlebar bags (3)

- Solid leather hip holsters (5)

- Tooled hip holsters (5)

- Change purses (5)

- Peacock earrings (5)

- Leaf earrings (5)

- Belts (4)

I'm feeling pretty confident about it. For the first time in who knows how long, I feel balanced - like my head and my heart have caught up with each other and I have the time to breathe; to do all the things I want to do as far as work goes.

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