Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

Sean decided to do the Wild Rose Herbal Detox and I, being the supportive girlfriend I am, agreed to join him, if only so we don't have to make six different meals a day instead of three.

I'm not overly psyched about it because it rules out about 89% of my staples - bread, dairy, chocolate, booze and bananas - but I am interested to see what happens over the next 12 days because I have suspicions that the ever-present exhaustion I experience might have something to do with the amount of sugar I eat. It is significant. Both in terms of naturally occuring sugars and candy, which I enjoy daily. This detox allows sugar in apple form only (not including those of the chocolate or toffee-covered variety), so either I will start to feel less crash-and-burn-y, or my head will explode from sugar withdrawal.

Anywhooooo, check out the tree-hugging hippie haul we picked up at Bulk Barn yesterday. Not pictured there is the soy milk I used to make my breakfast oatmeal (tastes a little less like cardboard if you put cinnamon and a bushel of apples on it). Also not pictured there is my gagging face when some of the soy milk touched my thumb.

Further down, check out another a (completely unrelated) belt I am working on.

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