Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No Sight for Sore Eyes

I know this page is boring as hell because there hasn't been anything to look at lately, but I promise, promise, promise there will be so much to see so soon you will be sick with oversight!

Pictures and further explanations in the coming days...

In the meantime, might I suggest reading up on some of CBC's Canada Reads selections? This is an annual event that has, for me, turned winter from a thing to buckle down and bear, into a thing to anticipate.

I already have a couple of these books, but hadn't read them since I was in high school. I was curious to see whether Generation X would be as awesome as I thought it was when I was 16, particularly since a friend of mine recently read it and found it fell flat. I say he falls flat, because I re-read it and this book is still excellent.

I had barely started Fall on Your Knees (which I first read when I was 18) last week when I got Nikolski for Christmas and couldn't resist the lure of its matte, fish-flocked cover, so it has absorbed the late-night waking hours I should spend sleeping.

Pick at least one up and tune into the great debates in March!

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