I'm feeling giving, but I'm also feeling hungry, so here's the deal...
I am trying to buy groceries in a fiscally responsible way by "planning ahead." That is, picking recipes and only shopping for the ingredients within, thereby eliminating the issue of not getting around to using things before they go bad/being in a perpetual state of missing two or three ingredients for dinner and running out to the (expensive) corner store because it's closer than No Frills.
So. I am going to give away one of my hand-tooled swallow necklaces (no pictures at present - see post below - but I hope to borrow a camera and have some up tomorrow) to the person who gives me the best recipe.
If you're interested in taking part in this gastronomic battle royale, please leave your A-1/favourite/most impressive/surefire hit/go-to-potluck-contribution recipe in the comments.
As long as I'm not underestimating my readership (which I peg at somewhere between four and six) I will choose by making and taste-testing all of the entrants. If I have more than a week's worth of meals, I'll pick the top five best-sounding recipes and have a week-long dinner-off with them. The reader with the most delicious dish wins!
No rules, but you should know that I love cheap ingredients (I'm practicing fiscal responsibility here remember. I don't want to buy a half a pound of truffle-infused cheese, or a ton of pine nuts, or my weight in saffron) and I hate recipes that contain ingredients that you have to refer to an additional recipe in order to make, IE: a recipe for a stew that calls for dumplings, then directs me, via footnote, to a second recipe for dumplings.
Contest closes this Friday (Dec 11) at 4pm EST. Game on!