A few months ago, the very day I was working on a bunch of new flask designs (barley for scotch, corn for bourbon, cactus for tequila), I heard that BC's
Carolyn Mark was playing Hamilton's Casbah Lounge.
Because I have loved her for years, and because I was stitching up a corn flask the moment I found out about the show, and because I suspect she truly is a fan of bourbon (and it's not just a catchy song lyric), I thought,
hmmmmm, maybe I'll take this flask and give it to her...
...but I was too shy and worried that she wouldn't like it, so I left for the show with a flaskless hip pocket.
Deja vu when, about a month ago, she breezed back into town and I didn't hear about it until the day of the show.
Hmmmmm, I thought to myself. Maybe I'll take this flask and give it to her...
Again, I dismissed the thought (the stitching on the only flask I had on hand was very wonky and not at all a good example of my flaskmanship) in favour of a glass of wine.
What do you know though? By the time I walked out the door, that wine had convinced me to slip a flask in my back pocket, just in case.
It turned out to be a smart move. After her excellent set, when I approached her and nervously, nerdily, gave her the flask, she told me she collects "corn things" (please let it have been "corn" and not "corny"). Would you believe it?
Despite her gratitude (she gave me a CD and the Terrible Hostess cookbook I had meant to buy), I still worried about her turning that flask over and seeing my sub-par stitch job. However, it turns out that no one is as picky as I am (or as harsh to me as I am in my own head) because I noticed her pouring a few shots worth of booze into it before she left the bar.