From now on, 10% of all pet-related things (paintings, collars, etc.) goes to the Hamilton-Burlington SPCA.
I'll have some paintings (seen in posts below) for sale at the Wigg-Wagg, or you can order a custom portrait of your own pooch. For one day only (Wigg-Wagg, Sunday Sept. 13), if you order the 10 x 10 custom portrait (seen here) for $100, 20% goes to the SPCA.
Man that's such a good deal, you're practically stealing from the animals if you don't take advantage. Do you really want to steal from the animals? I didn't think so. Sign up early to avoid disappointment!
* Cat/pig/chicken/fish/etc. lovers do not despair. I hope to work on a few paintings of animals other than dogs next week. Check back for updates*